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Electric Playhouse
Wednesday, July 6th, 2022 at 4:20 pm

Have you ever wondered what walking through the multiverse would feel like? Electric Playhouse is about replicating such an experience through immersive, projection-based art! Watch as the floor moves with every step, while you make the walls dance with your hands. This is a home to imaginative and playful exploration spanning across individually themed rooms in a 24,000-square-foot facility .

Depicted in this post is MICRODOSE, an interactive art experience by UNM alumna Lea Anderson. MICRODOSE, or any installation at Electric Playhouse, will stimulate your senses and imagination. It is a truly unique experience!

Although installations at Electric Playhouse change over time, you can view Anderson’s work GOLDMIND in The University of New Mexico’s Physics & Astronomy and Interdisciplinary Science (PAíS) building. It is located at the top of the staircase. Art in Public Places (AIPP) purchased GOLDMIND through New Mexico Arts and the Department of Cultural Affairs.

Anderson earned her Master of Fine Arts in Drawing & Painting from The University of New Mexico in 2006. Anderson works in multiples, which creates forms and patterns. Her work often suggests complex biological characteristics and living systems. Learn more about Lea Anderson here: http://www.leaandersonart.com/
