The Lobo Life is excited to announce a Favorite Summer Memories Photo Contest
Contest details below:
How to Enter:
The contest opens Tuesday, August 9th and is being held through our Instagram page (@TheLoboLife). Participants must submit a photograph of “Favorite Summer Memories.” There is no submission limit, so post as many submissions as possible! From kick-off until Friday, Aug. 26 at 5 p.m., any submission posted on Instagram with the hashtag #TheLoboLife will be entered into the competition, granted the posting account is following the rules below.
After the competition closes, Friday, Aug. 26 at 5 p.m., the judges will choose the top nine submissions. The judges include The Lobo Life Vice President and photographer, Ben Thorp, University Social Media Manager Sarah Carsrud, and University Marketing Representatives Debra West and Hyunju Blemel. The Lobo Life will reach out to the top nine finalists via Instagram.
On Monday, Aug. 29 at 5p.m., The Lobo Life will post all nine top picks on Instagram, in no particular order. That opens the voting for the winning submissions. Everyone is encouraged to “vote” for their favorite submission by liking it. You may vote for any or all of the submissions.
The top three submissions that have the most “likes” by Wednesday, Aug. 31 at 5 p.m. will be the winners— which means if your submission is chosen in the top nine, you should tell everyone you know to like your submissions, so you have the best chance of winning prizes! Prize pick-up will be coordinated through the University Communication and Marketing office.
To be considered you must:
- Follow on Instagram: @TheLoboLife and @NMStateParks
- Submissions must be posted on Instagram between 08/09 and 08/26
- Submissions must follow the theme to be eligible
- Submissions must tag and #thelobolife in the post’s caption
- Submissions must not have any sort of personal watermark or branding tag
- Profiles must be public so we can view the submission
- You don’t need to be a current UNM student to enter so tell your family and friends!
- Submissions have to be taken inside New Mexico!
What we are looking for:
The theme of the contest is ‘favorite summer memories.’ This can be your favorite hike, your hangout spot, or your favorite bowl of cereal! The possibilities are endless, therefore be creative! The judges are looking for submissions that tell a story, inspire and excite. Submissions can come from smartphones, digital cameras, DSLR’s, polaroids, film cameras, or even disposable cameras! We love to see all the different ways Lobos capture their life and will aim to select a wide variety of images, stories, and perspectives in the top nine submissions.
First Place:
- One (1) New Mexico State Parks Annual Day Use Pass
- One (1) The Lobo Life t-shirt
- One (1) The Lobo Life hat
- Plus more prizes
Second Place:
- One (1) New Mexico State Parks Complimentary Camping Pass (3 nights of developed camping)
- One (1) The Lobo Life t-shirt
- One (1) The Lobo Life hat
Third Place:
- One (1) New Mexico State Parks Complimentary Camping Pass (3 nights of developed camping)
- One (1) The Lobo Life t-shirt
- One (1) The Lobo Life hat
Prizes will be available for pick-up from the University and Communication and Marketing office
Acceptable and unacceptable practices for accounts entering:
You may:
- Share as many submissions as you want in the timeframe with #thelobolife and all will be considered
- Share a submission selected in the top 9 across any social platform directing friends to like it/vote for it
- Vote for multiple submissions in the top 9
You may not:
- “Purchase” likes on a submission selected in the top 9
- Promise to give away any prizes won to those who like your submission in the top 9
- Exhibit any other unethical behaviors that could skew results, be harmful to others or serve to alienate anyone
- If you are found to be guilty of any of the above as a finalist, your submission may be ruled out of contention

By participating in the contest, the applicant gives full permission to New Mexico State Parks and The Lobo Life to repurpose any/all submissions for marketing purposes.
Good luck & be sure to share your photos with #TheLoboLife
* Contestants must have licenses to any copyrighted material used in
their submissions and are liable for any claims related to their
* Prizes are subject to change before conclusion of contest